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All CollectionsNew Spark Features 2024
December New Features/Bug Fixes
December New Features/Bug Fixes
Jeff Spark avatar
Written by Jeff Spark
Updated over 3 months ago

New features and updates for December are here! Check out these awesome new features that we have added from the awesome suggestions you have been making to help improve Spark!

πŸ”₯ Week 2 & 3 Updates πŸ”₯

NEW Can Export Data Permission on Staff Logins

With this new permission, you will be able to control which staff members will have the ability to export data from your reports such as the All Contacts report, All Memberships Report, Ultimate stats, etc. You will be able to find this new permission by navigating to your left side menu, Settings>Staff Logins, editing a staff member and scrolling towards the bottom of the permissions list as shown on the image below:

NEW Mobile Phone 2 Field on Forms/Surveys

We have added a new option on the Forms/Surveys toolbox which will enable you to collect a secondary mobile phone number and have it be automatically stored on a contact's profile. This can be very useful in cases where you need to collect both parent's mobile phone numbers for a child or perhaps when you want to collect the phone numbers for multiple emergency contacts. You will be able to find this new option by creating/editing an form, scrolling down to the Toolbox, and clicking on the 'Form Fields' dropdown as shown in the image below:

Bug Fixes/Adjustments:

  • Fixed an issue with the Class Roster report displaying an old rank name that was changed in the rank style setup page.

  • Fixed an issue with students that were assigned to a deleted roster still able to select the roster when checking in for class via the Self Checkin/Roster page.

  • Fixed an issue with the 'next rank' dropdown on the mass rank promotion page not appearing as highlighted in red for contacts shown with the same next rank and current rank when using dark mode on Safari.

  • Fixed an issue with not being able to add new contacts using the 'Add a New Contact' option on the left side menu.

  • Fixed an issue with the pie chart on the Transactions by Category report not loading alongside the rest of the report.

  • Fixed an issue with the Net Billing dashboard stat not placing contacts with Upgraded/Renewal type memberships on the correct field on the pop up box.

  • Fixed an issue with a character limit having been placed on the mass send push notification option on mass rank promotion rosters.

  • Fixed an issue with non Spark links in email previews not loading properly when trying to be accessed from within the CRM.

  • Fixed an issue with POS products with a sales price of $0 not being shown correctly on the POS when trying to add the item/variant to the cart.

πŸ”₯ Week 1 Updates πŸ”₯

Bug Fixes/Adjustments:

  • Fixed an issue with the Gross Active numbers on the Dashboard Stats not adding up correctly.

  • Fixed an issue with the Last Seen number on the All contacts report not appearing as 0 for contacts that have not taken a class yet.

  • Fixed an issue with duplicate emails being sent to contacts from the invoice page.

  • Fixed an issue with not being able to assign automations to automation groups.

  • Fixed an issue with not being able to send sms messages to multiple mobile phone numbers on file at once through the profile.

  • Fixed an issue with the 'Emails Sent' stat at the top of the profile not displaying the correct number of emails sent or bounced.

  • Fixed an issue with copying automations not copying over the 'cancel if' actions set up on the action steps.

  • Fixed an issue with the Lead & Trial Maximizer removing more contacts than intended when selecting a group of contacts and choosing to mass remove them using the bulk actions menu.

  • Fixed an issue with the Quit Category not saving when the quit reason contains apostrophes and/or double quotes.

  • Fixed an issue with the resend button not working for emails that contain double quotes in the subject line.

  • Adjusted the SMS Credit Usage Report to display the full Spark page URL if a Spark link is sent to a contact.

  • Adjusted the POS Daily Reconcile report to include both payments made from the POS screen as well as payments made on the invoice page.

  • Added logs on contact timelines to show when someone's First and/or Last name is changed from the edit profile page.

  • Added Print/Export buttons each tab of the Lead & Trial Maximizer page excluding

  • the Contact Phases tab

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