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How to set up member app/ class rosters for check-ins
How to set up member app/ class rosters for check-ins

How to set up member app/ class rosters for check-ins with video

Eman Spark avatar
Written by Eman Spark
Updated over 2 months ago

Step 1: go to the attendance tab on the left-hand side > roster setup > edit the roster you want to be displayed on the app> edit roster> turn on the toggle that says use in the member app> set everything else up for that roster by filling out the fields on that page ( you will do this for each roster you want on the app)

Go to member app on the left-hand side> settings> attendance settings>

-turn on the option to allow members to log attendance >

-show class schedule from class rosters>

-allow students to book classes

-If you have classes that are to only be shown for their specific roster make sure you turn this on in the attendance settings > Allow Students to Only book Classes Associated to their Membership ( you want to make sure you add the associated membership to the roster in attendance>roster setup >edit roster

Also, make sure you enter the coordinates for your location; students must be within the coordinates you set to check in on the app and the distance from the location where they can check-in. Make sure students have enabled location services for the app to be able to log in to the class

Students will log in to the app with their email and password, go to my class schedule, and check in from that screen by clicking the class they are signed up for and the check-in button

If you go to settings>attendance> you can setup how many days in advance they can book the roster on the app and the number of bookings they can have at a time

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