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Ignite | Getting Facebook Ads Up 'n Running with Ignite!
Ignite | Getting Facebook Ads Up 'n Running with Ignite!

Ignite makes it easy to get high-converting Facebook ads locked and loaded fast. Here's how...

David Tendrich avatar
Written by David Tendrich
Updated over a week ago

Okay! Time to turn on the Facebook Machine, eh?

Ignite makes it easy.

It leverages everything we've learned about getting leads off of Facebook, after spending millions of dollars testing and tweaking.

It also leverages what Logan Snyder, our favorite Facebook Marketer for Martial Arts Schools, is learning on a daily basis as he serves ~100 schools worldwide.

Before we dive into how to do it yourself... you might consider reaching out to Logan to ask him to run a "3-Day Test" for your school...

Logan runs the ads for all of Grandmaster Park's locations, and gets more leads for less cost than any FB expert we've encountered.

He works with nearly 100 schools, and is a BJJ practitioner himself, so he really gets it and lives and breathes martial arts.

What we love about Logan is he'll run a test for your school for 3 days.

While his system works for 9/10 schools, nothing works for everyone, so if you're a "special case" -- he'll let you know ASAP, rather than drag it out.

(Other agencies will drag things out just to get money out of you -- Logan gets that a school runs a tight ship, so he doesn't want you to spend a single dollar you don't have to. We really love this about him.)

We would suggest booking a call with him immediately because word is spreading about him, and his availability is filling up:

Ask him about performance based advertising, where, after a setup fee, you only pay if he gets results!

Okay! Want to run ads yourself? Let's dive in!

First off, click "Ignite" in the left-side menu of Spark.

Then click "Facebook Campaigns"

You'll see a page like this:

Click on the ad you'd like to run, and you'll find a PDF with all sorts of goodies like:

  • Exact targeting settings

  • Exact copy to copy/paste into Facebook

  • And more

You can run your ads as "Boosted Posts" using the exact settings in the PDF... Or you can use Ad Manager and run for "Traffic" or "Conversions"...

Traffic = Quickest, easist way to get going.

Conversions = requires advanced setup (you can view our guide here)

The most IMPORTANT thing is that for "Placements"... you ONLY do the Newsfeed for Facebook and Instagram...

Do NOT select right-column... Audience Network... or anything else! (They just waste budget!)

If you're a more advanced user, you can run a "Conversions" ad to track your lead costs right in Facebook! (Our own guide on that coming soon, but it is a bit technical! Fair warning!)

And don't forget about our Bonus Ads in the Ignite VIP Facebook Group!

To find those, head to the group... then search the group for "Facebook Ads" and you'll find a lot more ;)

You can also click "Units" and scroll down to find a lot of it organized right there!

What's next? How about we get even more advanced!

Check out this tutorial on setting up your Pixel + Conversion Events to automatically track how much it costs you to generate Leads, Trials, and Appointments:

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