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All CollectionsNew Spark Features 2024
March New Features/Bug Fixes
March New Features/Bug Fixes
Jeff Spark avatar
Written by Jeff Spark
Updated over 11 months ago

New features and updates for March are here! Check out these awesome new features that we have added from the awesome suggestions you have been making to help improve Spark!

πŸ”₯ Week 4 Updates πŸ”₯

New Cancel If Action for Automations

We have recently added a new cancel if action on automations to stop action steps from firing out for contacts that are no longer earning ranks in a particular rank system. This new option will only appear on automations based on when someone earns a rank and the cancel if action will only work for the rank system connected to the automation. You will be able to find this new option by creating/editing an action step and scrolling to the bottom of the page.

The Continue Button Has Been Made Optional of Forms/Surveys

You will now be able to choose if you want the 'Continue' button to appear on the 'Thank You' page of your form/survey(s) or not. This can help prevent contacts from making multiple form submissions or help prevent confusion. You will be able to find this new setting by editing your form/survey and scrolling to the general settings field on the page.

Bug Fixes/Adjustments:

  • Fixed an issue with contacts being able to change their names and email addresses on file via checkout page purchases.

  • Fixed an issue with former students appearing on the Quit Contacts report multiple times.

  • Fixed an issue with long purchase item variant names on checkout pages causing the price of the item to be shifted to the right of the page.

  • Fixed an issue with clicking on connected contacts on profile pages redirecting to the dashboard instead of their profile.

  • Fixed an issue with packages not appearing properly on the Shopping Cart page.

  • Fixed an issue with the mass email option on the checkout page purchasers list allowing you to click on the send button multiple times.

πŸ”₯ Week 3 Updates πŸ”₯

New settings to add/remove the Business Name or Logo on the Online Scheduler

With these new settings you will be able to choose whether you want your business logo and/or business name to appear at the top of your Online Scheduler page. You will be able to find these new option in your Calendar Settings.

New Options to Re-associate a Different Income Category to Existing Products/Invoices

When you inactivate or delete an income category that is connected to existing products or invoices, you will be prompted with the options to associate a different category to those product or invoices. This can make adjusting your income categories a quicker and easier process.

New Button to Reset Completed Online University Lessons

This new button will allow up to reset all of the completed lessons for individual course subscribers. You will be able to find this new button by clicking on the subscribers number next to a university course.

New Field on Member Profiles to Show How Many Contacts They Have Referred

You will now be able to see how many contacts a member has referred to your business with a quick glance at their profile. You will also be able to click on the number which will redirect you to the Referrals report where you will be able to view the names of all the contacts that contact has referred.

Bug Fixes/Adjustments:

  • Fixed an issue with Inactive Members appearing as 'Unknown' on the All Contacts report.

  • Fixed an issue with birthday party RSVP page text fields not aligning properly.

  • Fixed an issue with not being able to deleted all recurring tasks or future tasks.

  • Fixed an issue with the default font size on forms being set as 25 instead of 14 as intended.

  • Fixed an issue with clicking on the member name on the Member App users list not redirecting to their profile.

  • Fixed an issue with membership payment frequency field not properly being added when using the frequency of 'Every X Days'.

  • Fixed an issue with banners on the Shopping Cart link not appearing correctly on mobile devices.

  • Adjusted the Add by Roster search box to not display former contacts or prospects.

  • Added the {LOCATION-NAME} merge tag on the automation email body toolbox.

πŸ”₯ Week 2 Updates πŸ”₯

New Option to Duplicate University Courses

With this new option you will be able to easily duplicate your existing university courses which by doing so will create an exact copy of your course excluding the tag, automation, and checkout page connected to it. You will be able to find this new option by navigating to your left side menu, Online University>Courses, clicking on the 'Actions' menu next to a course as depicted in the image below:

New Tagged Contact Report

This report will allow you to view all of your contacts and the tags they have on their profile. You will be able to filter the list to include the contact type of your choice and you will also be able to print and export the list as a CSV or Excel file. You will be able to find this new report by navigating to your left side menu, Reports>Tagged Contacts.

Bug Fixes/Adjustments:

  • Fixed an issue with payments made on invoices not matching the total paid amount at the bottom of the invoices tab on contact profiles.

  • Fixed an issue with connected family members on a membership appearing as past due on the New Member Maximizer despite them not being charged payments.

  • Fixed an issue with the email preview window on the email campaign page graying out the text automatically.

  • Fixed an issue with the marketing sources drop down not working on the edit screen for forms/surveys.

  • Fixed an issue on the Today's Attendance window with contacts that have an apostrophe in their name not having their full name added on the Need to See field.

  • Fixed an issue with adding an attendance with a future date and changing it back to a current or past date not updating the last seen date on the profile.

  • Fixed an issue with not being able to properly search for checkout pages on the checkout pages list screen by URL.

  • Fixed an issue with banners included on the Shopping Cart causing the page to look off on mobile devices.

  • Fixed an issue with late fees not automatically being included on the POS when attempting to charge a late membership payment.

  • Adjusted the last night's class survey to only send the star rating to Spark after the contact clicks on the 'Submit Rating' button to help avoid accidental submissions.

  • Adjusted the mass rank promotions list # of nominated, promoted, and/or completed to only account for Active Members.

  • Added new logs on contact timelines for when they are referred by a member and when the referred by name has been removed from their profile.

πŸ”₯ Week 1 Updates πŸ”₯

New Option to Duplicate Products

With this new option you will be able to quickly and easily make duplicates of your existing point of sale products and variants. This can be very useful when you have similar items with the same variants and prices. Instead of creating each product from scratch which could consume a lot of your time, you could simply click on the 'Duplicate' button and just make the necessary adjustments as needed. You will be able to find this option by navigating to your left side menu, Point of Sale Setting>Products.

Emojis on Saved SMS Replies

We have added the emoji selector on the SMS saved replies page so if you would like to make your messages more friendly or add a bit of color to them, adding emojis would be a great way to make your text stand out. You will be able to find this new addition by navigating to your left side menu, Settings>SMS Saved Replies.

New Setting for Allowing Prospects to View Member App Announcements

Have any announcements you want accessible by your full active contact base? You will now be able to choose which announcements you want to only be accessed by members and which ones you want to be visible to prospects as well by clicking on the

'Show for Prospect?' checkbox at the bottom of your member app announcements settings page. You will be able to find this new option by navigating to your left side menu>Member App, clicking on the 'Announcements/Events' tab and creating or editing an existing announcement

Bug Fixes/Adjustments:

  • Fixed an issue with not being able to add product variant names with the '&' symbol being included.

  • Fixed an issue with not being able to click on certain checkout page links to be able to access the QR code for it.

  • Fixed an issue with coupon codes being added to manual checkout page purchases not including the amount/percentage deducted from the total amount on the invoice.

  • Fixed an issue with the Expected Income stat on the dashboard including contacts with on hold memberships that have a next installment due date to be set for a date in the future.

  • Fixed an issue on the 'Today's Check-Ins' pop up box not properly displaying the contact's rank progress bars despite the attendance having been connected to their rank.

  • Fixed an issue on the Lead & Trial Maximizer not showing the contacts on the Follow-Up Today tab.

  • Fixed an issue with membership agreements being copied over as plain HTML text when duplicating an existing membership template.

  • Fixed an issue with not being able to save changes on products that do not have a SKU number listed in the settings.

  • Fixed an issue with contacts being placed on the Follow-Up Today tab on the Lead & Trial Maximizer before the end of the day.

  • Fixed an issue on the Today's autoCharge email including the total amount charged including the late fee on the 'results' section but not on total figure at the bottom of the email.

  • Fixed an issue with invoices that have an outstanding amount not appearing on the unpaid invoices report when they have scheduled payments on them.

  • Fixed an issue with the 'Send push notification' & 'Show for Prospect?' checkboxes being automatically unchecked after uploading a header image.

  • Adjusted the purchase item checkboxes on the checkout page settings page to be more visible against the white background.

  • Adjusted checkout pages so when you save a change(s) it takes you back to the main checkout pages list.

  • Adjusted the 'Cancel Membership' action where the quit reason will appear on the Quit Contacts report when the option to change contact to former is selected.

  • Added logs for when a contact is promoted to a new rank when done from the profile page.

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