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All CollectionsNew Spark Features 2024
June New Features/Bug Fixes
June New Features/Bug Fixes
Jeff Spark avatar
Written by Jeff Spark
Updated over 8 months ago

New features and updates for June are here! Check out these awesome new features that we have added from the awesome suggestions you have been making to help improve Spark!

πŸ”₯ Week 4 Updates πŸ”₯

Option to Reset Contact Last Test Dates for Promotion

We have included a new option to add/change a contact's last testing date via the profile page and the Mass Rank promotion rosters. In the profile you will find a new field under a contact's Date of Promotion setting titled: 'Last Test Date'; The date added on that field will be what a contact's rank eligibility will be based off of moving forward until the contact earns a new rank. In the Mass Rank Promotion rosters, you will find a new column titled: 'Not Promoted'; You will want to select that checkbox for the contacts who did not pass their testing and want to reset their number of classes/days in rank since their last exam. Once you select that checkbox for the contacts you will then need to click on the Update Promoted Contacts button at the bottom of the page for the change to go into effect.

New Export Options and Mass Delete Actions for Tasks

With the addition of these new options you will be able to export your tasks using either Excel of Numbers(for Apple OS) and you will also be able to mass delete tasks all at once so if you have a lot of tasks that may have been created on accident by a staff member or an automation, you can select the individual tasks you want removed or simply 'select all' of the tasks on the list and click on the mass delete option at the bottom of the page as depicted below.

Bug Fixes/Adjustments:

  • Fixed an issue with the Expired Memberships report not sorting the results by expired date.

  • Fixed an issue with appointment confirmation emails/sms messages not being sent to contacts when manually creating the appointment from the calendar.

  • Fixed an issue with right clicking on an appointment in the calendar not prompting the actions menu to appear.

  • Fixed an issue with not being able to promote contacts through Mass Rank Promotion rosters.

  • Added validation for rgb color codes on the member app theme color setting.

  • Added an Insert Video Placeholder option on the appointment type confirmation email editor.

  • Added a checkbox at the bottom of the appointment details pop up that will allow staff to send the new appointment notification to the email address(s) listed in the notification settings.

πŸ”₯ Week 3 Updates πŸ”₯

Bug Fixes/Adjustments:

  • Fixed an issue with the MIA Maximizer changing a contact's status color from green back to red after refreshing the page.

  • Fixed an issue with PIF memberships showing as past due on the profile and dashboard stats.

  • Fixed an issue with the contact notes and email history tabs not appearing when clicking on their name from the Lead & Trial Maximizer.

  • Fixed an issue with contact's inactive rank(s) still appearing on the after check in screen on both the self check in/roster & membership pages.

  • Adjusted the Scan Barcode page to allow multiple attendances to be logged for the same contact on the same roster multiple times.

πŸ”₯ Week 2 Updates πŸ”₯

New Option to Include Photos on Automation SMS Messages

We have added the ability to include photos on the sms messages being sent through automations which can be helpful when promoting upcoming events or new items you may selling. You will be able to find this new option by creating/editing your sms message action step(s), clicking on the 'Include Photo' toggle, and clicking on the option to upload an image file as shown in the image below.

Bug Fixes/Adjustments:

  • Fixed an issue with the alternative messages on automation action steps not being cycled through as intended.

  • Fixed an issue with the status colors for contacts on the MIA Maximizer not remaining green after logging an action for them and refreshing the page.

  • Adjusted the Appointment Types page to default the 'cancel appointment booked sms message if tag applied' field to be blank.

  • Adjusted the Membership Templates page to include change logs for changes made to the payment option fields.

  • Optimized the New Member Maximizer report to increase loading speeds.

πŸ”₯ Week 1 Updates πŸ”₯

NEW Members Conversion Report

This report will allow you to view all of the contacts that have either converted from Prospects to Trials or from Trials to Active Students for the date frame of your choosing. You will also be able to filter the report to only display certain contact types and you will also be able to print/export the results. You will be able to find this report by navigating to your left side menu, Reports>Members Conversion Report.

NEW SMS Failed Message Report

You now have the ability to view all of the sms messages that have failed to send out in the past all in one place with the option to resend the messages to one or multiple contacts at the same time. You will also be able to filter the report by the date frame of your choosing so if you wanted to view the sms messages that failed a month or so back, you can choose the proper dates at the top of the report and run the report. You will be able to find this report by navigating to your left side menu, Communications Center>Failed SMS.

Customizable Header for Free Checkout Pages

With the addition of this new field, you will have the ability to change the header text that appears at the top of your free checkout pages. You can leave the text box blank if you like the default text however, if you prefer to change it to work better with context of the checkout page then you can have it say anything you'd like. You will be able to find this new field underneath your 'Limited Quantity Alert Text'

Bug Fixes/Adjustments:

  • Fixed an issue with the rank size for contacts on the mass rank promotion roster being reverted back to say 'Unknown' when they start a new membership that is connected to the same rank system.

  • Fixed an issue with the roster filter on the Rank Promotion pages not working properly.

  • Fixed an issue with duplicate account credits being added to a contacts profile if the add button is clicked multiple times.

  • Adjusted the 'courses taught' field on the University Course Authors page to list the lessons that the author is assigned to which once clicked will link back to the lesson.

  • Adjusted the 'Can Access Financials' permission for staff members to not include the On Hold Membership in that constraint.

  • Added new sort options for the .csv file being generated for rank promotion roster contacts.

  • Added an option to mass send Member App Push Notifications from the Mass Rank Promotion roster page.

  • Added an option to filter by contact type on the Rank History Report.

  • Added a mobile phone number field on the sold out checkout page's screen to collect that information.

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