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Exporting From Zivvy/Rainmaker
Exporting From Zivvy/Rainmaker

Step by step walk-through of how to get your data out of Rainmaker and into Spark

David Spark avatar
Written by David Spark
Updated over 3 months ago

Rainmaker offers 3 Data transfer options, named as such :
DIY Basic Data Migration - Free
Done For You Basic Data Migration - $199
PCI Compliant Transfer - $399

What's not exportable would be your contacts Notes and Tags as there are no reports for these on Rainmaker unfortunately.

To export the DIY Basic Data Migration, navigate from from Reports> Contacts> and Contact Program Overview. From here, be sure to select all contacts, export to CSV and send it to us at [email protected]
​For faster recollection we recommend using Sparks Credit Card Recollection Feature as shown here :


Rainmaker Export Financial data - Step by Step

**Please note this process can range anywhere from 6 weeks to 8 weeks in length depending on how many requests the companies currently have in queue. Because of this, we do recommend signing up any and all new contacts in Spark during the transfer to avoid losing their data.

*Additionally, you will have to have payment processing active on Spark before this can be requested. To set up Payment Processing, please contact Colton Lehmann at (954) 294-5224 and email [email protected]

Step 1: Compose an email to [email protected] with this text in the body:

"I would like an PCI Compliant Transfer export."

After which, they'll send you a Form to fill out.

Step 2: For these 4 listed questions, please provide these responses :

Name of the PCI compliant entity found on the Visa Registered list.
***(or Stripe/Bambora/NMI if you're located Outside the US, please be sure to reach out to tech support to confirm your Payment Gateway if unsure.)

Please enter the proper PGP Encryption Public Key for the PCI compliant entity on the Visa Registered list.
Please go to the bottom of the guide for this. It is a huge block of text that is required in its entirety. Copy it from the start (where it says -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----) till the end (where it says -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----). You'll have to submit this entire block of text into the form.
*** If you're outside of the US, please reach out to the [email protected] for this as it WILL be different.

Please enter the name of your new service provider.
Sparkmembership LLC

Please enter your account number for the PCI compliant entity on the Visa Registered list.
*** Reach out to Spark Data Department in chat support for this account number. This is your USAePay Merchant ID

Step 3: After submitting this form, RainMaker will send confirmation that they've sent your financial data over to your Payment Gateway listed. Please forward this confirmation to:

Please be sure to include your Spark ID in your email for quick identification :).
(This can be found at the top left of your Spark Software)

The PGP key block to be copy and pasted :
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQINBGExRQYBEAC5+KIzHwKuzncr5+F4sjL5MLhG495jbiw0aafeGZjgc12s9k8F F/cV4bQUtvwrfSmAeOtkk7dTabaEXVwLtySZP2fWfG5fR/fMaLj6lCOmmgzWyphF XdaoIQOoqNda6WnSY3J+Ycumn1I/hKzum/gVy3mB+9lNc7IdhjqJECBv6RkokOUW Zod4y4DI59jzvLzKpfaj6zaCBtovs6bZp41fhhFqDj1KHo5hubYikms0e0S4UGDc 1ls8M3e03k18662zmT9gjyohLzN0pC8qS4xhrHXW/xOgPF+15Zafv1mmWQmWQqey AYp6DVKn8m627FuER0supUo/3/i8iAlwvqxgpaVPsOtFx302hdHe0RnFeTuBQmEk vYR3HDiHQKXY5760j7vjCmMBu917UL3Cv4/Yl0hfDXc8BcLVRZngrbUaUjabqs+n V/a7Jj4vjfhAgEHkGaP28/Evyd53WBxjQj3nXzIuREYmA/RVxulRAh8krjkIMq+q /n5eCRxXEhbOHfsYPxEUWbTxGXF5IuWQqZm7Ur39LLQPz+u5B8LGLK1DTz8nna0H 7/99/x+ALyntxg7D7UGU0xVR5gXWOIZTN1pMxpvaccxgT4PwfWLllcw3DulahxA7 URqNxWP0NvLOuBSduI2tcbbsGre0NQ2tQhPq8Y29CseDmmlUktA8mdPQOwARAQAB tCRDaGFybGVzIE1jRXdlbiA8Y21jZXdlbkB1c2FlcGF5LmNvbT6JAlQEEwEIAD4W IQTPbSjTymOlbdLZZzDyeMAqNPgwrQUCYTFFBgIbAwUJB4YfQQULCQgHAgYVCgkI CwIEFgIDAQIeAQIXgAAKCRDyeMAqNPgwrRdSD/wMZHnmPQWqWwynDptJDSokc2lm i9MqPXcbS0tmcP4P2DQJVxhn7jd2WFoj9SgdPyFgiVzUNBjUYO4QnebGLunQDiDy PjtOtGgU44Bz/vv6SskmWzq8wp51JAsDG/fbp7rYASLAI+l2rCWBZuxQ2/YIZXdy uQ9lmhmU/bTxpL9NoGtSQaJgAOhqujjdy+EjD+X0jXP8twDkL+Y/Ym/e8YlUvDLc ZbiLlBE1+JCBYVqOsyUw4THKKm7KO8UPPW7wAR/9YXZOwEiz2iOrdFWgE+beslZG ub37XizBGZol/Qt7ZRNjRr4efcWxde8FczWht9AR3LGAF/BF+TV7OtIJrycc3mcp yg2rNqGuae1YDN8iUzQ/8wJ7zMbNcEFLPLM7VPoGRJA9Oi5DA0DN+h8a5vEoTiDH iMf33Jztyi1KqpuvXkxoLjxzFJYjuVwBOLD+4bz/BskzQiwtP38xlBcGrH7J+2JM /0b5b85FK3ZkXLd92fB+Z85y2AnLtGXoQkpg2dWOSIU+h6rp/8liAacumlJBJpbu ibF2ZmHhgkP3vutzUe4Zr51Sry2AMGEl63KvC+YG+fa3JK6XVD/16Jc18FDVopUp 9Z6hryvdPTguxwCS4Sr18XXrgBHArlkTr5eHlg9jzAtRnq9As/WgzLu/iNhunCZS AJ5f+dReJReppJGpRrkCDQRhMUUGARAA3v/3q43OnTNZ+qydol5URsyyludFpUtx HqF0RvSqb6VMZgqKBSSM61J/qcn9RtLJOqoRGgSd+IHRYfMIWH/XhoJQrvSQ7w1u E7lAQlD93nC9MZtKY0DgQMyZ5VW5AYIeo+ChjTPQTefjROZe2cD5OQWFjKmX06OE XkYMDDNli9m78030CSGaaLWHHhKqNibDECRjJ/sf2DNkaXZp7vrueqq7CN3puwkg IbNaicutsLZ91g4TnqJACoR4DQfJfc82PZDMIE+JftkJQ3enK6FcW474pxMWTKjE k6CyIZ5lxLRZs6WMEid3A8+cYvYSfB7we1TA4RTB269jy9TcKWQklOlPvg1qjhD1 QMV3E6QABulqkmq2MGccE6WPJG/V9dy2+9i9Fyh2276m6uIpYNxoJ5GG/MmfsSQQ t3o+Hkqf+DXVAxpfdCuLLggQzjhxWBfIhsBjhBEAK+LBes48YEyGcf1aH9TZ3DcU XBM/xL3CWnSQ+4Y6G03UR2pvHy+uh1c/574+46MXnwhBwKIbhFgb7uaFPWpcawh7 a5+zj03jZsWlrG05u431ewQ6L3JeJX9se80O+bHnyZhNcstm6ob6ud3txzPEoRTD gK/Ufl3/Qo9BbbDP81ai6q2ZLCUif1opL7mwTBUZiV+r473SKnMAGRMe3L0QqS5+ rGrvmM2OaMcAEQEAAYkCPAQYAQgAJhYhBM9tKNPKY6Vt0tlnMPJ4wCo0+DCtBQJh MUUGAhsMBQkHhh9BAAoJEPJ4wCo0+DCtSn8QAJgtOwAnUqvjpp2SfQbSCgZJt6Tj IShiTrrd8bOKyRlMRkQNQ9fWA5dq74bTr7wAPjThLhpV4Nau0QrJ8yegXkeAuXE3 6G3arZMUO7xSXJnWgJUuHY+dCeBdUdfBHupGzyvBXGOTkgfb7Qf5ZMg2bsRAVQzq neEjuvud9X616ow+J8FI7adxy1UVgROEYZG3upCf5b03vAwWQDzk680AIQI1Nv8d 4Me/nAu9wi1IJXvrykKw2RasXX5VCbd36xobZJzeJQQl3QLDiRsHgi6yfjLkQifC z9VL245PeYayJbb3l7WEJ9ljufjJOmtBU4x4b2wETE/NwOHFbk2bijNsoO925R+C hwM927rqpDp9c9hTsY4jbcEQrQ+ODHA4tcJ7wcSdy24JeN/rVNnKOEF6QyOJ0uih Gcl0j3IyYoQXLkEWJvQdzIMIhuTnnulIdHVMNV+8ZZHhKgFymu4xTx83LL6CNigR PVFlZHl/8kl7Vwv+6bS4rMnRszpZoD87+oIyfSo0uZf4lzJTWssFI38tXOkmKwbW PE0K8vtBtrz1BpV/2z4JPxD3HA1St+9RGHvgMkdWkPE7Jnq7l0X4yEkpnr2NLv8A W6BuKRHtRpU3iB1iU8sMLAIfDtcsyP52GKWmdiSuAr09fV7u93GD1BoRHAEA++vD z56mqje9wYBEc2RZ =9F8s -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

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