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All CollectionsMigrating Your Data Into Spark
Exporting From Zivvy/Rainmaker
Exporting From Zivvy/Rainmaker

Step by step walk-through of how to get your data out of Rainmaker and into Spark

David Spark avatar
Written by David Spark
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Rainmaker offers 3 Data transfer options, named as such :
DIY Basic Data Migration - Free
Done For You Basic Data Migration - $199
PCI Compliant Transfer - $399

What's not exportable would be your contacts Notes and Tags as there are no reports for these on Rainmaker unfortunately.

To export the DIY Basic Data Migration, navigate from from Reports> Contacts> and Contact Program Overview. From here, be sure to select all contacts, export to CSV and send it to us at [email protected]
​For faster recollection we recommend using Sparks Credit Card Recollection Feature as shown here :


Rainmaker Export Financial data - Step by Step

**Please note this process can range anywhere from 6 weeks to 8 weeks in length depending on how many requests the companies currently have in queue. Because of this, we do recommend signing up any and all new contacts in Spark during the transfer to avoid losing their data.

*Additionally, you will have to have payment processing active on Spark before this can be requested. To set up Payment Processing, please contact Colton Lehmann at (954) 294-5224 and email [email protected]

Step 1: Compose an email to [email protected] with this text in the body:

"I would like an PCI Compliant Transfer export."

After which, they'll send you a Form to fill out.

Step 2: For these 4 listed questions, please provide these responses :

Name of the PCI compliant entity found on the Visa Registered list.
***(or Stripe/Bambora/NMI if you're located Outside the US, please be sure to reach out to tech support to confirm your Payment Gateway if unsure.)

Please enter the proper PGP Encryption Public Key for the PCI compliant entity on the Visa Registered list.
Please go to the bottom of the guide for this. It is a huge block of text that is required in its entirety. Copy it from the start (where it says -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----) till the end (where it says -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----). You'll have to submit this entire block of text into the form.
*** If you're outside of the US, please reach out to the [email protected] for this as it WILL be different.

Please enter the name of your new service provider.
Sparkmembership LLC

Please enter your account number for the PCI compliant entity on the Visa Registered list.
*** Reach out to Spark Data Department in chat support for this account number. This is your USAePay Merchant ID

Step 3: After submitting this form, RainMaker will send confirmation that they've sent your financial data over to your Payment Gateway listed. Please forward this confirmation to:

Please be sure to include your Spark ID in your email for quick identification :).
(This can be found at the top left of your Spark Software)

The PGP key block to be copy and pasted :
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQINBGedB6oBEADCSbWBEzwS2LjsPEjxppGH6Y0PTxJs1ZKaGu+NfmGA1Z4Y5Rw+ ZZDEWwo+ORsK6qx5KjH059n3wFpsPCPqe4ycPCFat+cio3gmdGydDiVHEBda8RkM WhTXlKMtwoiuGwSa+gYj74xKh83q/rvQbMmFyC+ABX5Cxp/vxErj4O8ViMEvKs1f N4x23Q42lEtsgpNkwRGREdx3JiDiLF0RMa8yeJMTL7I8skOtKlUxXF6d84Qmghj4 AcHhww9QMKNehE1WR3S6zi2thlb2JJ4IeDmg2QH0YbCdP5xVjsk23Y2E4DQjg3ba U9Qj20y9jUWC2hycxmg//8TJP8snkCwlXL63EHcMaZ4JO30WYPCfz8KAr1HItuG6 F+itOFdNb+NxbSXnTsonJlT/gNA+9CCo4NSRah6znLSW4/osZzy2Rc1yJyxvsUNX OKWkTcnvC1ZKkZs96j09sJWQb6PxioDzc6/GF2lbSNVjAUjiC/GiL4/PQ0xy+EK1 9I65Ek6jk/FvJxbIx12eQlS2wWvA0aKqw3Ajllz9Ba1k/RpEBG4Mc1k8o0atTbke rds9wlHBj1aRpuRl+Non9qKmKavXK2QCSBZ4i0M8OE7pmonqF5koxRSnCtpGrQ7O 5Y9EahmdfQfitcMYFl/+xeh814tp92J4jYMc/lsu7sdGYffDpzpzNYwDvwARAQAB tC5HcmVnb3J5IFJhc2ggKFVTQWVQYXkgS2V5KSA8Z3JlZy5yYXNoQG5taS5jb20+ iQJXBBMBCABBFiEELeyXFJeCy4BRVTLEte3pTRoClC8FAmedB6oCGwMFCQHhM4AF CwkIBwICIgIGFQoJCAsCBBYCAwECHgcCF4AACgkQte3pTRoClC/psRAAm7wMTSTi wpej+QOnebvUdjmSef7tCA9984uUHrboA9EWY4E7FbvPS7jGoIAhoLPHKn6c3R8C 5mQ06u0BSK0HXWG087XTA+uQc6TuHVgTr9vaWqFrxDazGvlaA/XQ6TdQLHBrqhSS 4iRCTlhKeSjmP84bl7ELkX6JqOLhlKt2+yZyBVxXabz6ngJfc+8OxaIhZX32hot1 bo4spUdBW6SS9zexxk6xOnWCUeKV4JLhzzT7OWdl2Ln31FxqrySmdRzIx01rilK1 uesCmfHOf5ZVz0u3H5OZ7HAEJbt2szrZWIykEMchCRgQF3vKjWH5yCgqPtxv4uzy J9IlW/lefI3S/E/gu11siebVW5yTUgUCojw4EKp5IjCLVGfqac0Eq3wYq/Lc/LSy abgduV6xkMG1BW9pFv/oTaK363Han+2B12XAzbgObkOSt8ObsNyqooLLWcqoli90 V7+HevyYxy2Cq1HKeb7nqa5U0IOhKPGxMAznbEY49Tk+VeNJ1uY0BLpiJWJuaBMB t3Oo9uaz6PzyeQjZcXgM1wLf6XzDbZUd1jBpwQ6v6tI1WdM5Dok4GmCZas/NarGQ 8SFxBbiKOxSHJPZq+5oILJC4GNRdIuFX3grYrmiMzD2iF/2F86GilaS8wezmrxwG kkYTP8uNLr7RN5cGTVYYTHxig6DRfYEqDW65Ag0EZ50HqgEQAM22hE2eZnIuTe1+ K0SrIhcPEi7QnlxA/x9Ew66UUb6lrXPpqHLERKYCff55mKVhonMVdTeiZDSq38OQ G0ugTBzkUuC8Rv4e3FbsthLSJlfZ9uH4gM+4F/ABD6BODgRy9Xv7YePRjAEcBL4m aHMeQe5qwyy8dvPmXDe1VPahBxq2Ysn2kw49AKkCk796k75FUeMWe1scc6nN+Z+j tsvaOeJyKRkEiVx3plkIFxyz0CZ//I0KTfAfHyVHBwdbezcyK9wliMCYtbL8uenl AqEoPwhopeZ0QvGrOAJFicPEk6Jp05+tZ30ciWAINsb/CyVh9KJ20LY7hRBifXV9 bWSdrRji8shNPjKKDPoiqcS8aJPWwxNb8on+UZ9wJIIDsLuezRtXOK6LMUamZ7X2 ikaEFc26QZ5iXmyIfn1YNYLe6xujncpDhlC7sObyO8cua2RiFTQbmo3zsCeMzW/f H5jVJRv/vWiApo+wvHxuMs0wmyEzy1wYfwVhZI5HfiE43QKx+mBCmoi47Km2qu15 mK5qRroFx9yvKZHltmr39nbTOcLqExYqFprugzE2NWVLqmM7J4jwrwJGeNcy65sC 6zckduqt7Hg4Sns87kMWbA2M/CgozjH5yhIsbtwREe/iRD3BVmsQlYydU78QOKGb n244eLbS6zqE6aWvuNdpJ2Q8vjRBABEBAAGJAjwEGAEIACYWIQQt7JcUl4LLgFFV MsS17elNGgKULwUCZ50HqgIbDAUJAeEzgAAKCRC17elNGgKUL9qnEAC6LZn59emf gH7Y9vJStPOFqRR5kh6b0rW+GId8ETyf9BRUw2Ra9RTfYGuBsMtL6H8JQjeAoBCJ TV4bI4ynkSu/BOesAGXcabqdME10q/I7UfH7wH5PUWCjM6J7w+qd7AD9rkrXJEKQ 15GGi3B51QVlUNzRiI7VhmgHWdvfuwVq69crvrWpqMgbtBRTSNM6rWYOLJohUR6l M7xzUVJ2uSjMZ4xGQzV0hFWVxnxFy0RWd+eQDRQYesb57nQSsIvzSObzBtMSgIhZ kqgqnP3UHsSwTbq6znubIbpljyPFTXTnU9LiSrLyMiyWIFwVxbnwHavx4A5sxKq6 BOfxuHyYF+yPUVk1y3dYvYD7fjv09lersMjpTWhNbYOJO3rdTnK0CFP7zonLFBVZ 8jYapLNP50EXg6ffD2Ghe22t2nF7vlSbidnjdcq9Z/Zz9dJVU2D+QgaDEJ0dqSU5 DbRusWv5hXl2bs5cBnMwuZAXycgYrOPiXidd452KoSRF7gbYdm5UC3SzVSGgWEgm bp948SWZ7bWd6xbRwjHzGbaTSbJN2Hkg72jQVzYfm2H4PkYxyo3vZ8RUvsLQZdAz AsvsHyJuZ2E/LBrJMcEZfgeP8iVtucoSMypcBRsHkw3oPkbkx5GvrydWskgXOdgm l+D1vBa2i2/NkPTCep28QwZenWjWJKMn9A== =dtqX

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